Services designed to help design and maintain a collaborative culture of compassionate leaders and cohesive teams in order to improve employee experience.

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​The Flaherty Family Foundation is based in Minnesota and serves Scholars and families in faith-based, college preparatory high schools not only in Minnesota but also in Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, Virginia and Washington D.C. The FFF has grown from simply offering scholarships to include personalized mentoring and coaching, college visits, funding for summer enrichment activities, career exploration, ACT/SAT prep and a pilot partnership with College Possible.

To All Looking For A Corporate Retreat Facilitator or Just Good Council For Knowing and Understanding Yourself and Your Work Strengths/Skills:

I highly recommend Mali Phonpadith for the job! Mali Phonpadith attended our first Flaherty Family Foundation Team Retreat to help us to: 1) To know each other better; 2) To lead us to recognize our own skill sets and peak work times as well as to unlock the skill sets and peak work times in each other; 3)To come to a greater appreciation for our team and the work that we do collectively as well as individually; 4) To aid us in understanding who and why we are the way we are – our individual lens from which we view our work – our Scholars, and what that means for our team strategies and possible successes; 5) and to help us bridge the gap between our communication and listening styles; 6)To bring us to a greater level of work efficiency and cooperation.

Mali Phonpadith challenged us to dig deep and to come face to face with our truths in a way that was skillful and respectful, always using her skills to explain and to draw us out of the fog of human existence into clarity. She was a new person to 2/3 of the team but she did her homework and was highly prepared to meet each of us where we were and to assess the situation to bring forth authentic communications and growth between team members using innovative activities and conversations. Her competence and intuitive nature caused many significant revelations to unfold both as individuals and as a team. It was the best Corporate Retreat in which I have ever participated. Here, days later, I am still thinking on what I discovered about myself and my team.

Dorwatha Woods

Scholarship Facilitator (Region I - MN), Flaherty Family Foundation


  • Stronger communication among employees, managers and executives
  • Alignment of employee skill sets with roles, responsibilities and job titles
  • Increase in productivity, creativity, collaboration and innovation


SOAR Services Used

  • Align Employees (Team Building Retreat 3 Days Offsite)
  • Map Your Why
  • Set Strategic Objectives

SCN is proud to share that the Flaherty Family Foundation engaged us as consultants to: (1) facilitate strategic planning sessions using the S.O.A.R. Vision and Mission Mapping Process. We worked directly with the Founder and Executive Director to deliver the Strategic Mapping – the “map” and body of knowledge that informed the Board and staff of the revised Vision, Mission and Values. The report was used to (2) guide the website development process that SCN was also engaged in completing. SCN was also hired to (3) facilitate a 3-day, team alignment/team building retreat which included the Executive Director and her entire staff.